Are classes online?

We are continuing the majority of our studio classes online!

Working over Zoom has boosted actors' self-tape skills so beautifully! It has brought to actors a complete awareness of what the camera loves and needs: how to work a frame, capture intimacy, and nail specificity. So, we are going to continue that intensive work. We also love supporting actors and extending the community across the country (and world!).

To check if any in-person classes are being offered, visit our CLASSES list.

Any updates regarding online vs. in-person classes will be announced via our newsletter. Join our newsletter for the timeliest announcements, new class dates, and acting tips.

(Last updated: June 2023)

What’s the difference between Part 1 and Part 2 classes?

Can I audit a class?

Can I get a referral about you, Heidi?

Do you offer private make-up sessions if I miss a class?

Can I swap to another section mid-class?

What can I expect in your class?

Are my class videos public?

How do you run online classes?

Why is class 3 or 4 hours long?

How do I watch my class clips?

Will I work on camera in each class?

Will I book a job after I take this class?

Can we have a coffee to discuss the class or my work?

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