Thank you, Mother Earth. Spring is here in NYC!!!
And today I received an email that made my heart sing with happiness from one of your actor colleagues and Heidi Alumni, Zeshan Bhatti. Today, he announced a short film that he wrote, directed, and starred in and just today posted on Vimeo to share. I am so proud of his journey.
Below is an email exchange that Zeshan gave me permission to share. When I read his words, I was reminded in my soul how precious this journey for actors is and how much I desire for you all to put yourselves at the center of your work in every possible way.
I freely share this philosophy and am on a mission to see actors fully embrace it.
Zeshan’s email on January 24:
“It’s your class that got me thinking differently.”
Heidi’s reply on February 10
“Hey, I think I will blog about generating your own work. Can you tell me more about what in the class got you thinking differently? That might jump start some more thoughts for me…”
Zeshan’s email on February 11
“Honesty”. You showed me how to be honest in this business, THE ARTS and myself . When I came into your class I was lost. I had auditioned like a mad man. I had done seminars and met with casting directors and agents. I produced web shows with people that I didn’t see eye to eye with on the art. So you make me think about being Honest about my Type, Look and my Abilities.
I have been auditioning for a long time and I hate being type casted. Yeah, I know they want to type you because you look a certain way. But my heart and guts tell me that it doesn’t have to be that way. I don’t have to play a cabbie or tough guy or a terrorist or the funny Indian guy. (I’m not Indian BTW, lol.)
So I came back to being Honest. When I play a character, I have to be totally honest in those moments. But then I’m not honest with my self when the camera stops or when the lights black out on stage… So I’m not a writer or director or have any formal training, but who needs a method when you have passion?
Thanks, Heidi. You saved me big time…I almost quit 2 months prior and thanks for giving back to the Arts receive things you must first give back…”
Today’s email, April 9
Here’s the link…enjoy!
So, to dear Zeshan and all my actor students and friends, I’m so glad you didn’t quit. And kudos to you for making your unique voice heard. Click below to see Zeshan’s short film and how this actor is defining his own marketability and artistry.
WATCH Zeshan’s SHORT FILM – click here!